Sunday , February 23rd 2025
    Latest Best deals for Sleeping Bags & Camp Bedding

Kingdom Outdoor Gear 100% Premium Mulberry Silk Rectangular Sleeping Bag Liner and Travel Sheet with Stuff Sack

Product Features:

    We set out to make the absolute best sleeping bag liner and travel sheet that would remedy all of the design flaws and customer complaints seen in our competitors' products while using the highest quality materials and construction methods possible. After over a year of testing, development, and more…
Price as on: 2019-01-16 16:20:09

Product Description

We set out to make the absolute best sleeping bag liner and travel sheet that would remedy all of the design flaws and customer complaints seen in our competitors’ products while using the highest quality materials and construction methods possible. After over a year of testing, development, and more testing, we’ve made what we believe is truly the single best sleeping bag liner and travel sheet you can buy, and one that we’re proud to put the Kingdom Outdoor Gear name on. We all have a place that draws us in – mountain trails, craggy peaks, alpine lines, ocean swells, flowing rivers, far away lands, or even our own backyards. Kingdom Outdoor Gear is all about helping you enjoy and conquer these kingdoms. We’re 100% committed to both the quality of our gear and the happiness of our customers. If you’re ever unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us and we’ll make it right. Your feedback is extremely important to us and we want you to be as excited to own our KOG gear as we are to spread it around the world. If you think any aspect of our products or service can be improved, we’d love to hear from you. We’re also totally committed to the environment. Life is all about exploring and playing in whatever kingdoms on this planet inspire you. We wholeheartedly carry that idea with us and believe we all have a responsibility to help protect the places we enjoy most. Because of this, KOG will always pledge at least 1% of our net revenue to causes that keep our kingdoms clean.

Product Features

  • 100% PREMIUM MULBERRY SILK: Luxuriously soft 8 momme silk keeps you cooler on hot summer nights, and warmer when the temperature drops. You’ll sleep more comfortably whether using your KOG liner by itself on a friend’s couch, or inside your sleeping bag at your favorite campsite. Naturally hypoallergenic, you won’t find a more restful sleep with any other material.
  • DESIGNED FOR SUPERIOR COMFORT & DURABILITY: You control both your temperature and your ease of entry/exit with the full length, high quality SBS zipper. The Polyester/Spandex stretch strips around all three sides allow your KOG liner to move with you so you’ll never feel restricted while you sleep. This also greatly increases its durability ensuring years of lasting use. We’ve also included a built-in pillow case.
  • PROTECTS YOU & YOUR SLEEPING BAG: Hostel approved design protects you from dust mites, bed bugs, mosquitos, and questionably clean linens. Sleeping bags can be very expensive and a real hassle to wash. Protect your investment by keeping your body’s dirt, oils, and sweat out of it.
  • PERFECTLY SIZED: Measuring 220cm x 95cm (86″ x 37″), men, women, and young adults up to 6’6″ will be perfectly comfortable, while also minimizing unnecessary bulk for smaller sleepers.
  • MACHINE WASHABLE & INCLUDES STUFF SACK: Wash it cold, hang it up – it really is that easy. With the included ripstop nylon stuff sack features an Ocean Plastic D-ring by OceanWorks, you can easily stuff your KOG liner away and clip it to your bag. OceanWorks D-ring offers a subtle reminder that we can all do our part to help save the kingdoms we explore and play in.